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Oklahoma prison population slowly growing

Oklahoma Watch On Dec. 31, 2022, Oklahoma incarcerated 22,745 people, a 2.3% increase from 22,235 in December 2021. Oklahoma had the nation’s fourth-highest incarceration rate at the end of last year, trailing Mississippi, Louisiana and Arkansas. Oklahoma was one of four states where more than 1% of male residents were serving a prison sentence of one year or longer.

Home Depot billionaire endorses Trump... says he will straighten things out

The billionaire founder of Home Depot and the nonpartisan Job Creators Network recently announced his support for former President Donald Trump in the 2024 presidential race. Bernie Marcus, 94, wrote in a RealClearPolitics opinion column that he supports Trump because “he is the best person to take on and dismantle the administrative state that is strangling America.” “We cannot let the America we see today be what we leave to our children and grandchildren,” Marcus wrote in the Thursday column.

Letter To The Editor Rules and Guidelines...

The Hugo News encourages readers to submit “Letters to the Editor.” All letters submitted for publication must conform to the following guidelines: • Letters should be neatly handwritten, typed, or emailed and be written by area residents. Letters written by those living outside Choctaw County will be considered for publication provided the topic has significant local interest.