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On Friday, April, 7, 2023

Hugo Intermediate School Gifted and Talented students Kimberlee Corey, Braxton Henson, Raeleigh Jones, Jaxen Lopez, Kira Nelson, Carson Parra and Kameron Walton, under the direction of the HIS Gifted and Talented Coordinator, Dana Scoggins, worked outside, clearing the raised garden in the playground of the school. In the garden, they planted several fruits and vegetables including onions, tomatoes, jalapeno peppers, watermelon and cantaloupe. “I am very proud of the hard work these students put in to make the garden a success,” Scoggins said. Much appreciation to Tim Lemmons as all plants and seeds were donated by Jackson Street Nursery.

Trail of Tears Memorial Walk returns on May 20

TVSHKA HOMMA –– On Saturday, May 20 the Trail of Tears Memorial Walk will mark the 192nd anniversary of the first Choctaws who came from their ancestral lands in Mississippi and Alabama to their new home in Indian Territory. Nearly 15,000 tribal members made the forced journey which came to be called “the Trail of Tears and Death.” It is believed about one-quarter of those who were removed perished along the way.

Calendar of Events...

Fort Towson Corinth Baptist Church is having a gospel meeting April 30 to May 3. Meetings will begin at 6:30 each evening. The speaker will be Dr. Jerry Wells from Ada, teaching on how the signs of the end time fit into today’s world of events. Everyone is welcome.
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Constitutional Minute

We have all heard the chant, mindlessly recited, “Separation of church and state.” Many believe this phrase is in the Constitution and that it forbids any Christian influence in the public square. But that is false. It was in a letter, not in the Constitution, and it is not a constitutional principle.