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‘Taking up the middle part of the road’

Bowman Comments to: Coffeetimecolumn. com Years ago, as elementary students at a tiny country school, our bus driver took us to school in his huge station wagon. That meant we kids got to talk with him for an entire hour –– both ways. Good-natured and chatty, he would entertain us as he drove. True stories, gigantic whoppers, or funny gossip, it was all fair game to that man.

Calendar of Events...

Hugo Basketball Homecoming will be held Friday, Feb. 3. The games will be girls JV, boys JV, boys varsity, girls varsity. Homecoming coronation will be held at halftime of the boys game, but is subject to change. Hugo Senior Night will be held Feb. 13 against Okmulgee. The senior night ceremony will be held before the girls game.
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TSET nutrition messages teach teens to go beyond gut instinct when choosing snacks

• New swap up ads explain how processed foods encourage overeating New educational messages teaching teens the importance of healthy eating are rolling out across Oklahoma. The messages are part of Swap Up, a TSET Healthy Youth Initiative campaign that educates about obesity and helps teens learn healthy habits.
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‘Shoot it ‘til the bullets are gone –– then throw it’

Comments to: Coffeetimecolumn. com I read this again the other day. “I will NEVER quit fighting to win against the enemy in my life. After all my bullets are gone from shooting my gun, then I’ll throw that blasted thing at ‘em. When that doesn’t work, then I’ll use my body to punch, kick and bite my way to freedom. And if I still haven’t won when all my teeth are knocked out in the fight, then I’ll try to gum him to death. BUT I WILL NEVER GIVE UP THE FIGHT!”
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Constitutional Minute

Be very careful what you wish for regarding amendments. They can appear ideal and appeal to our desperation, but in reality, mean exactly the opposite. I will illustrate some of those in a later “Minute.” You might be shocked. As we previously said, statecraft is serious business.